Welcome to DataSecurity, this lab is a basic demonstration of a bad hashing algorithm versus a best practice algorithm

Last Updated: 2024-01-08


Hashes are used to help identify integrity of a system. This lab demonstrates what a hash algorithm should not behave like


We will cover the following topics:

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What you'll need

Desired Learning Outcome

What you'll learn

Homework or Preparation


The basic concept of a Hash function

Hashing is the process of converting input of any size into a fixed-size string of text, using a mathematical function known as a hash function. The output, known as a hash value or hash code, typically looks like a random string of characters.

  1. Properties of Hash Functions:

  1. Collisions in Hashing:

While hash functions are designed to minimize collisions (situations where different inputs produce the same output), they're not entirely avoidable due to the fixed size of the hash output. Good hash functions make these collisions extremely rare.

  1. Hashing vs Encryption:
    Hashing and encryption are different. Encryption is a two-way function; data that is encrypted can be decrypted with the correct key. Hashing, however, is a one-way function that scrambles plain text to produce a unique message digest. With a properly designed algorithm, there is no way to reverse the hashing process to reveal the original password.

Seeing is believing

Three files that are the same (or are they?)

Please open this in a separate window (in Chrome) https://austriandatalab.github.io/webvm/

First some basics

user@:~$ cd examples/hashing
user@:~/examples/hashing$ cat txt*

You should now see that there are 3 very similar entries in those 3 text files:

Now, lets check with the first hash function md5 and now it's your job to explain why txt2 and txt3 differ:

user@:~/examples/hashing$ md5 txt*
f51996e00c0d41e8958e01982bb2232b  txt1
d48ff54287ef1a430b076c2d942e5040  txt2
a8c81c60e0c485be93c4d1e991263695  txt3

Two pdfs that are the same (or are they?)

In the same folder, you find two pdfs, let's have a quick look:

user@:~/examples/hashing$ ls -lah | grep pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413K Jan  8 13:10 shattered-1.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413K Jan  8 13:10 shattered-2.pdf

Ok, now lets create the hash of those two, as well . This time we use

user@:~/examples/hashing$ shasum shattered*
38762cf7f55934b34d179ae6a4c80cadccbb7f0a  shattered-1.pdf
38762cf7f55934b34d179ae6a4c80cadccbb7f0a  shattered-2.pdf

This means, they are the same, right?

Exercise: the two files are on our github https://github.com/AustrianDataLAB/webvm/blob/features/hashinglab/examples/hashing/shattered-1.pdf and https://github.com/AustrianDataLAB/webvm/blob/features/hashinglab/examples/hashing/shattered-2.pdf

You don't have to download them, but you can in-browser view them. Would you say they are the same?

Solution: Using an up-to-date hash algorithm sha256

user@:~/examples/hashing$ shasum -a 256 shattered*
2bb787a73e37352f92383abe7e2902936d1059ad9f1ba6daaa9c1e58ee6970d0  shattered-1.pdf
d4488775d29bdef7993367d541064dbdda50d383f89f0aa13a6ff2e0894ba5ff  shattered-2.pdf

And here we go: they are not the same, so our eyes work just fine.

What you'll need

Desired Learning Outcome

Homework or Preparation



SQL Lite : meet the playground

SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is light-weight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resources.

Here are some key characteristics of SQLite:

  1. Serverless: SQLite doesn't require a separate server process or system to operate. The SQLite database is integrated with the application that accesses the database.
  2. Zero-Configuration: No setup or administration required. A complete SQLite database is stored in a single cross-platform disk file.
  3. Compact: A minimal SQLite setup can be as small as 600 KiB, depending on the target platform and compiler optimization settings.
  4. Transactional: SQLite transactions are fully ACID-compliant, allowing safe access from multiple processes or threads.
  5. Self-Contained: A single library contains the entire database system, which integrates directly into a host application.
  6. Cross-Platform: The SQLite file format is identical on all platforms.

SQLite is often used as a local database for small to medium-sized applications, as well as for development and testing. For larger applications where multiple users or high volumes of data are expected, a larger database system like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server might be more appropriate.

Play around, you can't destroy anything

Please open this in a separate window (in Chrome) https://austriandatalab.github.io/webvm/

Don't press refresh unless you want to completely wipe all progress.

  1. Open the database:

Get started in the webVM

user@:~$ cd examples/db
user@:~/examples/db$ sqlite3 chinook.db
  1. List all tables:


  1. Show the schema of a table (for example, the albums table):

.schema albums

Here we can observe the following

  1. Select data from a table (for example, the first 10 rows from the albums table):

SELECT * FROM albums LIMIT 10;

  1. Join two tables together (for example, join albums and artists to show album titles with their corresponding artist names):

SELECT albums.Title, artists.Name FROM albums INNER JOIN artists ON albums.ArtistId = artists.ArtistId LIMIT 10;

  1. Insert a new row into a table (for example, insert a new artist into the artists table):

INSERT INTO artists (Name) VALUES ('New Artist');

  1. Update a row in a table (for example, change the name of the artist you just added):

UPDATE artists SET Name = 'Updated Artist' WHERE Name = 'New Artist';

  1. Delete a row from a table (for example, delete the artist you just added):

DELETE FROM artists WHERE Name = 'Updated Artist';

  1. Exit SQLite:


Good Data Model:

The chinook database is a good example of a normalized data model. It has separate tables for artists, albums, tracks, genres, media types, playlists, customers, invoices, and employees. Each table has a primary key, and there are foreign keys to link related records across tables.

For example, to get the details of a track, you might use a query like this:


tracks.Name AS Track, albums.Title AS Album, artists.Name AS Artist, genres.Name AS Genre



INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.AlbumId = albums.AlbumId

INNER JOIN artists ON albums.ArtistId = artists.ArtistId

INNER JOIN genres ON tracks.GenreId = genres.GenreId


tracks.TrackId = 1;

This query performs well because it's able to use the relational structure of the database to efficiently gather data from multiple tables.

Bad Data Model:

A bad data model might involve denormalization that leads to data redundancy and update anomalies. For example, imagine if the chinook database had a single table where each row contained all the details of a track, including the album title, artist name, and genre name. This would mean that the same album title, artist name, and genre name would be repeated in many rows.

Lets create the table first:

CREATE TABLE denormalized_tracks (



AlbumTitle TEXT,

ArtistName TEXT,

GenreName TEXT


Now, insert data into it

INSERT INTO denormalized_tracks (TrackId, TrackName, AlbumTitle, ArtistName, GenreName)


tracks.TrackId, tracks.Name, albums.Title, artists.Name, genres.Name



INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.AlbumId = albums.AlbumId

INNER JOIN artists ON albums.ArtistId = artists.ArtistId

INNER JOIN genres ON tracks.GenreId = genres.GenreId;

Now, we have a table that give us a lot of flexibility (seemingly)


TrackName, AlbumTitle, ArtistName, GenreName




TrackId = 1;

While this query might seem simpler, the underlying data model is inefficient. The redundancy in the data increases the size of the database and the risk of inconsistencies. Also, updates to the data (like changing the name of an artist) would require changes in many places, which can be slow and error-prone.

Think about, e.g. how would you update a typo in the GenreName for the denomalized model? (select * from denormalized_tracks limit 10)

Can you draw on paper how the update statement would be different for a denormalized vs a normalized model?

Comment: There are databases specialized in the exact opposite (e.g. column databases such as SAP Hana would prefer the denomalized model for a results table, because its engine is designed for it).

Here are some examples to inspire you, feel free to change them

  1. Patients Table: Stores information about each patient.





DateOfBirth TEXT,

Gender TEXT


  1. Treatments Table: Stores information about each treatment.

CREATE TABLE Treatments (


TreatmentName TEXT NOT NULL,

Description TEXT


  1. Researchers Table: Stores information about each researcher.

CREATE TABLE Researchers (




Department TEXT


  1. Studies Table: Stores information about each study, including the patient, the treatment, the researcher who conducted the study, and the result.



PatientId INTEGER,

TreatmentId INTEGER,

ResearcherId INTEGER,

Result TEXT,

Date TEXT,

FOREIGN KEY (PatientId) REFERENCES Patients (PatientId),

FOREIGN KEY (TreatmentId) REFERENCES Treatments (TreatmentId),

FOREIGN KEY (ResearcherId) REFERENCES Researchers (ResearcherId)


How do you deal with confidential data contained in these tables?

SQLite doesn't have built-in data masking features like some other database systems. However, you can achieve a similar effect by creating views that exclude the sensitive columns.

For example, if the Patients table has a sensitive column DateOfBirth, you can create a view that includes all columns except this one:

CREATE VIEW Patients_Public AS

SELECT PatientId, FirstName, LastName, Gender

FROM Patients;

Now, you can query Patients_Public instead of Patients to get patient information without revealing any dates of birth:

SELECT * FROM Patients_Public;

Remember, views do not provide security against unauthorized access. They are just a convenience for queries. To protect sensitive data, you should implement proper access controls at the database or application level.

For more advanced data masking, you would typically use a more feature-rich database system, or handle the masking at the application level. For example, you could replace sensitive data with placeholders or hashed values before inserting it into the database.


Discuss if the following is a good idea:

CREATE TABLE AnonymizedPatients AS



'Patient ' || PatientId AS FirstName,

NULL AS LastName,

NULL AS DateOfBirth,




Please see



Congratulations, you've successfully completed this training on hashing collisions and some datamodelling.

What's next?

Further reading

Reference docs